City of Del Rey Oaks issued the following announcement on Jan 6.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Del Rey Oaks City Council is currently accepting applications for one (1) seat on the City of Del Rey Oaks Planning Commission. The term of appointed Commissioner will expire June 2023.
Minimum Qualifications
To be eligible applicants must be: a resident of the City of Del Rey Oaks, at least eighteen (18) years old, and registered to vote.
Position Information
"The Planning Commission consists of seven (7) members who are appointed by the City Council. The term of office of each commission member is four (4) years, and each member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed and qualified."
"The Planning Commission shall have all the powers and perform all the duties as provided in the Government Code, and it shall be the function and duty of the Planning Commission to prepare and adopt a comprehensive long-term general plan for the visible development of the city, and any land outside of the boundaries thereof, which in the Planning Commission’s judgement, bears a relation to the planning of the city."
City of Del Rey Oaks Municipal Code, § 2.20.010 and 2.20.020
How To Apply
Interested residents may apply by submitting an application form to the Deputy City Clerk stating qualifications including length of residence, community involvement, relevant experience, and objectives for desiring to become a member of the Planning Commission.
Application forms are available at City Hall or by downloading the application form at Please be sure to complete, sign, and return the application to City Hall or email it to Deputy City Clerk Karen Minami at Applications must be completed and received by the Deputy City Clerk no later than 5:00pm on Monday, January 18, 2021. Review of applications and the appointment will be done at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 6:00pm. Applicants should be available at the meeting.
Original source can be found here.