
Monterey Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Have you heard? The Amor Salinas movement is here!


CIty of Salinas issued the following announcement on Sept. 9.

City leaders, staff, and community partners came together on September 9th to kick off the AMOR Salinas Movement. The official launch of AMOR Salinas is the first step towards changing the approach to citywide beautification. Amor Salinas’ success relies on a three-prong approach: Community Partnerships, Volunteerism, and Education and Outreach. Built on the pillars of Community Restoration and Community Resiliency, the Amor Salinas movement will engage and unify the Salinas community in fulfilling the goals of citywide beautification and maintaining a healthy, safe, and vibrant Salinas.

Do you have ideas for AMOR Salinas initiatives? Share them with the City by clicking HERE!

The success of AMOR Salinas relies on YOU! The AMOR Salinas Movement is a community commitment to change the way each of us think about litter and debris and show pride for our City.

Stay connected with the latest news and ways to get involved!

Text Message Notifications:  Text "Amor Salinas" to 474747

Facebook and Instagram:  @CityOfSalinas

Email:  amorsalinas@ci.salinas.ca.us

Website:  https://www.cityofsalinas.org/our-city-services/amor-salinas-1

Original source can be found here.