
Monterey Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Monterey County Board of Supervisors approve language for a countywide indoor face covering ordinance.

Montery county

Monterey County issued the following announcement on Sept. 14.

The Monterey County Board of Supervisors today approved language for a countywide indoor face covering ordinance by a vote of 3-2.

The mandate does not go into effect right away. Today’s action means the ordinance will come back for final approval on September 21st and its requirements will become effective as set forth below.

The ordinance will require all residents, both in cities and unincorporated areas, to wear facial coverings indoors with some exemptions, such as when people are in their own homes, with family members, alone in a closed room, taking part in an activity where masks cannot be worn such as eating or where a mask would impede a medical procedure, or where all persons present show proof of vaccination.

Monterey County’s local COVID-19 emergency proclamation allows this action and the supervisors supporting today’s action cited the protection of younger children who cannot be vaccinated and proactive prevention another COVID-19 surge as reasons for their approval. Last week, this issue came before the Board as an emergency ordinance which required a 4/5th vote and did not pass. Today’s action on this ordinance only required a majority vote.

The ordinance would apply to everyone over the age of 2, but will address a situation for parents of young children where the children may have difficulty keeping masks in place.

Violations of the ordinance will be subject to an administrative citation. Businesses and entities with indoor facilities will be required to enforce the ordinance and post information about the requirement for the public.

This Ordinance is expected to take effect in late October, 31 days after its adoption, and has specific triggers about when requirements will go into effect. The indoor face covering rule only goes into effect if Monterey County’s Community Transmission Rate, as calculated by the CDC, is either “substantial” or “high.” Face covering requirements would also be triggered seven (7) days after the County’s Community Transmission Rate transitions to “substantial” or “high” from “moderate” or “low.”

The face covering mandate would end at the earlier of these to occur: thirty (30) days following the transition of the County’s Community Transmission Rate to “moderate” or “low” from either “substantial” or “high,” or upon order of the Board of Supervisors, unless renewed or extended.

Original source can be found here.